Ben Fry Should Be BANNED From Rugby...

Ben Fry Should Be BANNED From Rugby...

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Last week, I made a video where I called out how Ben Fry goes onto the field with no regard for the safety of other players. He seems to love handing out cheap shots, and for some reason, World Rugby is okay with that. Last week in the Lions vs Dragons game, I showed how Ben Fry, dived straight into the knees of Henco van Wyk, where he almost broke his neck. What did the URC or World Rugby do?? Nothing, they did nothing. They're encouraging this type of behavior from Ben Fry where he delivers cheap shots every single weekend. Fast forward to the following week, the Lions played the Dragons again. Ben Fry come onto the field in to 60th minute. It literally takes him 1 minute, to resort back to his dirty tackling technique when he dives directly into the knees of Asenathi Ntlabakanye, who is a big guy.

Despite Asenathi Ntlabakanye being 138kg, Ben Fry still manages to airlift him after diving at his knees. This just shows how dangerous this type of tackles are. How many times do we have to see this, before World Rugby wakes up? As for the Northern Hemisphere fans, who seems to be perfectly fine with their players doing this type of stuff on the field. How on earth are you so strict with head-to-head contact, where you act as if player safety is important, where you advocate for red cards when a player's head just gets touched, yet at the same time, when a player dives directly into the knees of a player, with no attempt to wrap, almost breaking his neck, or destroying his ACL and MCL, you're fine with that, then we don't talk about player safety. This is something that originates from the Northern Hemisphere. The only Southern Hemisphere player that I saw do this type of stuff, was Bongi for the Boks, but he quickly stopped after he got penalized. Yet with the Northern Hemisphere, mainly England and Wales, these types of tackles are celebrated. It's sickening that you can look at a tackle like this, and think it's safe for the sport. It's absurd.

Then lastly, the inconstancy regarding the citing protocols. Last week I showed how Henco gets suspended for 3 weeks for "Charging" into the ruck and making head contact. I showed hoe the URC completely messed up the hearing, yet he still got suspended. What happens the next week? Well Ben Fry comes in Charging into the ruck, making head-to-head contact with a Lions player, way worse than the Henco incident. Yet, he did not even get penalized. So how on earth are we supposed to be happy with that? Every single weekend the laws get applied differently. This has to stop, it's a joke.

Every single weekend we just see red cards in every competition, whether it be the URC or anywhere. And it all starts with how World Rugby has ruined the game with the complexity of rugby laws. It makes it almost impossible to officiate, because they leave everything open to 15 types of interpretations. Which is why we're seeing the inconsistency just go up every weekend.

Ben Fry's Tackle on Henco van Wyk : 00:00 - 00:36
Ben Fry's Tackle The Following Week: 00:37 - 02:01
How South African Tackle: 02:02 - 02:57
Henco van Wyk's Suspension: 02:58 - 03:31
Ben Fry's Same Challenge: 03:32 - 04:17