Hitting with the EASTON MAKO TORQ (bat with the spinny handle) | BBCOR Baseball Bat Review

Hitting with the EASTON MAKO TORQ (bat with the spinny handle) | BBCOR Baseball Bat Review

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Publish Date:
1 June, 2023
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The "Torq" handle is probably the most controversial bat design in recent history. Most people agree that the barrels on these bats are super hot, but the spinning handle design is much more contested.
We've actually never tried it, so today we're gonna give our honest thoughts on the legendary Easton Mako Torq BBCOR.

Original 2015 Easton Mako Torq BBCOR product page: https://www.justbats.com/product/easton-mako-torq-bbcor-baseball-bat--bb15mkt/20978/?rfsn=5886982.2b1f95&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=baseballbatbros

Our BBCOR/USSSA bat rankings and Baseball Bat Bros merch can be found at https://baseballbatbros.com/

Here's the tool we use for exit velo tracking (Rapsodo 3.0 Pro): https://rapsodo.com/pages/baseball-player-development-tools?utm_source=Partnership&utm_medium=YouTube&utm_campaign=Baseball+Bat+Bros

And here's a link to the baseballs we use: https://www.amazon.com/Champro-Kevlar-Stitched-Baseball-9-Inch/dp/B008C1ZQ6C